Case Summary
A man aged 62 yrs. came to us with the complaint of immobility of left shoulder joint with severe pain on movement, particularly on raising the arm. His complaints were worse in the morning on waking. The pain and stiffness kept reminding him that he was not 100 % fit or perfectly well and this depressed him a lot. It hindered his normal, routine duties and so he wanted to get rid of this frozen shoulder. He also had pain and stiffness of knee joints in the past wherein he felt that his knees were jammed and rusted. Besides being extremely punctual, he said that another important aspect about his nature was his volatile anger.
After studying his detailed case he was prescribed a homepathic remedy 'Ferrum metallicum'
Follow Up
One Month
His shoulder pain and mobility was better by 40%.
Two Months
There was 75% reduction in his complaints. Mobility of his shoulder was very much better.
Three Months
He was completely free of any complaint and so was asked to discontinue treatment.
*The homeopathic remedy has been prescribed after a detailed case-study and should not be taken without consulting a homeopathic physician.