
Case Summary

A 34 yr old male saw us on 11/02/08 with the complaint of a big eczematous patch on his left leg, lateral to the shin. There was a watery discharge from it associated with immense itching at the site.

Besides this, another complaint that he had was involuntary passage of semen especially while straining for stool since the past 3 months or so. It was very troublesome as the semen escaped even when he had a telephonic conversation with his wife who stays away in another town. This caused tremendous weakness in him, both mentally and physically.

After taking his entire homeopathic history, he was given a remedy , 'Phosphoric Acid'

Follow Up

His eczema was better for a week but later, there was pustular discharge from it.
Involuntary passage of semen while straining for stool was quite better.

The skin problem further improved; pustular discharge had subsided and the lesion had diminished in size too.
His seminal complaint had greatly reduced but it did occur while conversing with his wife on phone.

His eczematous lesion had healed completely since the past fortnight and the involuntary passage of semen too had greatly reduced.

He is still under treatment for his latter problem but is effectively cured of the former one.

*The homeopathic remedy has been prescribed after a detailed case-study and should not be taken without consulting a homeopathic physician.

Wellness Aspects