
Cases (17)

Read through the different types of 'cases' that have been successfully treated by 'Homeopathic' treatment.

**Individualisation is the basis of selecting a Homeopathic remedy. In order to prescribe a remedy, patient's physical ailments, mental make up, likes and dislikes, genetic predisposition etc, is taken into consideration. The remedies mentioned in some of the cases have been prescribed after a detailed case-study and hence should not be taken without consulting a homeopathic physician.

Renal/Kidney Stone

 Case 1

Case 2

Case-1 Summary

Patient aged 37years came to us with complaint of pain in right renal angle . Sonography revealed 0.5 cm. calculus in the lower third of right kidney. He had history of left ureteric calculi with hydroureteronephrosis owing to 0.8cm in the left vesicoureteric junction and 1cm calculi a little proximal to it, for which he underwent lithotomy a week ago. The above mentioned 0.5 cm. calculus was left unoperated and was scheduled for surgery at a later date. The patient was reluctant to undergo another surgery and hence sought homeopathic treatment for the same.
After homeopathic treatment, the pain episodes subsided within a short time, and a repeat sonography done after 7 months showed no calculus.

USG report before treatment

USG report after treatment

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Case-2 Summary

A lady aged 46 years came on 28/2/2006 with the complaint of kidney stone since 2-3 years.

Her sonography impression was: ' A lower pole calculus measuring 3.8mm in left kidney is noted'

She complained periodically of pain in the left flank (renal angle) and had difficulty while passing urine. The pain was felt like a catch and when very intense she suffered from vomiting and loose motions.

While inquiring about any stress in her life we understood that she had some concern about financial matters and felt whether their resources would suffice till the end of her life. In the past she was also tensed when their house was demolished and reconstructed. She felt if the builder fails to keep his promise her family would be homeless.

On the basis of her complaints and mental make up she was given a homeopathic remedy 'Calc-renalis' .

Follow Up

She started improving quite well under the treatment. There were few episodes of mild pain which got better without any pain killers.


Severe pain in the flank and urethra while passing urine. As the pain was intense she was asked to take the homeopathic medicines diluted in water and taken frequently. She reported that the pain was better after the medicine was taken as instructed

Few of her such episodes were taken care by administrating the medicine in this fashion and she continued the treatment quite regularly.


She reported that she passed a stone the previous week. As she did not preserve the stone no chemical analysis could be made. Neverthless she felt immense relief after that.


Homeopathy can offer a effective treatment in kidney stones/renal calculi; but its efficacy depends on many factors like the size, type, position etc. of the stone in urinary tract.

*The homeopathic remedy has been prescribed after a detailed case-study and should not be taken without consulting a homeopathic physician.

Case Summary

Mrs. A.S aged 31, a school teacher came to us for the treatment of Meniere's disease, which she was suffering since 4 months. She experienced severe vertigo for the first time which was accompanied with acute earache and vomiting. She was misdiagnosed at that time as having 'cervical spondylosis' but after 2-3 such episodes, she decided to consult an E.N.T who diagnosed her as suffering from 'Meniere's disease'.

Before the attack, her eyes would become so heavy that they would close on their own, but closing the eyes would make her feel even sicker.

During the attack, she experienced acute ear pain that came suddenly, lasted for 15-20 minutes and subsided on its own. Along with the pain, she would have spells of giddiness (spinning) and a constant feeling of nausea which would last for hours. The vertigo was so severe that she couldn't bear any movements and noise (even the sound of footsteps was felt like loud stamping at that time), as it would worsen the spell many times more. In addition to this, she also could not bear to be talked to or being touched, which would cause a lot of irritation in her.

Her attacks were more in the absence of her husband when she had to handle too many responsibilities single-handedly. She was doubtful whether she would be able to carry out her duties properly. Being alone was scary for her and her husband's presence made her feel quite protected and secured. Her dreams (subconscious expression) too conveyed similar fears and anxieties.

After a complete study of the details of her case, she was asked to discontinue Tab. Vertin that she was taking thrice daily and all the other medication, and was put on the homeopathic medicines.


One Month

The ear pain had reduced substantially. There had been 2-3 mild episodes of pain and 1 minor attack of giddiness. She felt that the improvement was significant, bearing in mind that she was off all the other medications and also considering the hectic schedule that she had in the past 1 month.

Two Months

She experienced a very mild attack of giddiness and suffered from the ear pain only infrequently.

Five Months

There had been no attacks of giddiness or earache. Her anxieties had reduced and she could cope up with her chores in a more relaxed manner.

She was asked to discontinue treatment after being assured of her overall (physical and mental) improvement. She continued to do well for 8 months, when she retuned with the same complaint once again, although it was not as severe as before.

Three Weeks

During that time, too many things had to be done in very little time. She had guests at her place for whom she needed to keep everything (breakfast, lunch and snacks) ready before she left for school in the morning. In addition to that, there was a concert practice in school to which she had to devote extra time over and above her normal work duties. All these things created a lot of stress in her and her vertigo started once again. She was given the same homeopathic medicine to which she had responded exceedingly well in the past.

Two Months

She reported that she was completely free of the vertigo immediately on starting the treatment. There were no more recurrences of her complaints.

She continues to do well and had no reappearance of her symptoms ever since.


Case Summary

A lady, aged 34 years, consulted us for the treatment of her intolerable left heel pain after trying all other means to allay her suffering. She reported that she had the pain since a year but as it was bearable, she did not pay much heed to it and kept taking some painkillers, which did offer her some transient relief. But now the pain had gradually increased and become so excruciating that she had to take some serious measures to get herself treated. Her husband, who is an physician confirmed that she had 'calcaneal spur' and suggested that the only option was to resort to cortisone injections locally, since most of the painkillers only allayed her pain temporarily. She was unwilling to subject herself to this and so her husband recommended her to try homeopathy for some time.

When we saw her for the first time, she told that she was unable to walk over 10 minutes without the agonizing, piercing pain, whereas earlier she could walk for an hour without any discomfort. Standing for a long time (over ½ an hour) caused swelling of ankles and worsened the heel pain. She could no longer work continuously; she would feel better if she rested for some time and then continued her work. The pain would be terrible when she put her foot on the ground for the first time on waking or after a period of rest and would be slightly better if she used a padded foot wear.

After assessing the details of her case she was given a homeopathic remedy.

Follow Up:

Two Months
Her left heel pain showed remarkable improvement; she was now able to walk comfortably and had 2-3 episodes of very mild pain only after she exercised for long. As she was relatively pain-free, she was asked to discontinue the treatment if the pain did not recur.

Eighth Months
She saw us again for the same complaint , but this time it was her right heel that troubled her. She informed us that she was perfectly fine all this time till recently when she experienced a similar kind of pain. The pain in her right heel began since the past week but was not as severe as her left heel pain although. Once more, she was put under homeopathic medication.

Two Weeks

There was an immediate relief in her pain but this time she was asked to continue for some more duration.

Two Months
She reported that she had no pain at all and hence was asked to stop our medication. She continues to do well even now and has long forgotten her agonizing pains.

Wellness Aspects